“God in his omnipotence…could not give more, in His wisdom…He knew not how to give more, in His riches…He had not more to give…than the Eucharist.” (St Augustine)
Eucharist from the Greek word ‘to give thanks.’ It is the foundation of all Christian prayer – praise, adoration, petition for our needs and the needs of the world and thanksgiving.
Eucharist as blessing, food for the journey of faith, a Sacrament of healing for all that disturbs and threatens us, to experience the closeness of Jesus.
We pray, O Lord, that you bless our parish family through our participation in the Eucharist. Bless each one of us in those moments of silence before Your presence when so much of the world seems loud and noisy. Bless us by Your stillness, the healing presence of Christ. Bless our family as we become and take of Christ’s merciful presence that we be transformed and in turn take that message of peace and joy out into the world. Amen.
The Eucharist is the ‘source and summit’ of our lives, time given to be in the Presence of Jesus Christ who promised that He would not leave us as orphans. It is the celebration of the Eucharist that we encounter Jesus Christ, the One who leads us beside quiet waters to restore our soul. We spend time in adoration before our Redeemer, our Saviour, our Friend who guides us along the right paths of life and who anoints our head with oil – Sweet Sacrament Divine, Sweet Sacrament of Rest.
Accept the invitation of Jesus Christ.
For times of mass please see details here.
Closing date for all applications for 2025 was Monday 24th September 2024. The application forms for 2026 will be available later in 2025. The three forms should be printed and returned to the Parish Office.
First Communion Application – Letter
First Communion Application – Form(1)
First Communion Preparation – Form(2)