Thank you to all parishioners who have continued to contribute to parish funds.
You can continue to contribute by:
- Placing your Offering in the collection bags during Mass
- Using this QR Code
- posting contributions through the Friary door,
- by bank transfer to the parish bank account (see below)
- by setting up a standing order to the parish bank account (see below)
- via Brentwood using the link here and also on the Brentwood Diocese site. (The link is to Brentwood but your donation will be forwarded to Stratford.) Please make it clear what your donation is for eg “Other – CAFOD”
The parish bank account details are:
- Please email the parish office for our bank account details.
- When making the payment through your bank account please put something in the reference to indicate what the donation is for (eg Offertory)
- If you have joined the parish Gift Aid scheme quote your envelope number or ensure your name is given on your bank account as it was given on your Gift Aid declaration form.
If you have signed a Gift Aid declaration and would like a certificate of contributions please text “Gift Aid Certificate” together with your name and an email address to 07715420629 or contact the parish office
If you would like to join the Gift Aid scheme so that the parish can benefit from a tax refund on your contributions text “New Gift Aid” to 07715420629 and Marian will contact you or contact the parish office.
Gift Aid envelopes for April 2023 to April 2024 available at the back of the church or from the parish office